Sunday, July 2, 2017

Well, months later...I finally got to painting.

Well, I tell myself every winter after Christmas when little is going on in the garden that I would start painting more.  In my mind, I would continue to sketch in my art journal and paint what was happening as the season warmed up and things grew, then reality kicked in, life happened...and here it is July 2nd and I finally got some watercolor sketches done.

White Tank Garden, Approx. 5" x 7"

Wild Clover, 4" x 6"

I started some vegetable seedlings in April including starting some Dalhias and Canna Rhizomes in pots.  It seemed as though everything was happening at once.  Well, after much planting, pruning, digging, hoeing, weeding, mulching I'm finally at the point where I can step back and take a breather.  Whew!